Engaging with Local Schools
Engaging with schools is a great way to raise your profile amongst potential future employees and ensure young people are interested in your sector. There are many different ways you can engage with schools and young people including:
- Careers Talks
- Careers Fairs
- Mentoring
- Becoming a School Governor
- Providing Work Experience
- Going into subject lessons relevant to your sector
- Employability workshops – application process, CV etc.
- Mock interviews
- Work place visits
- Sponsoring careers events
If you are interested in working with a school in Cheshire West and Chester and want to know who to contact at your local school get in touch with: Bernadette.OShea@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
Organisations with schemes to help you connect with Schools, Collages and Young people are listed below.
Inspiring the Future

Inspiring the Future is a free service across England where employees from all sectors and professions can volunteer to go into state secondary schools and FE colleges to talk about their jobs and sectors.
Website: http://www.inspiringthefuture.org
E-Mail: enquiries@inspiringthefuture.org
STEM Ambassadors 
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) are integral to the UK’s success: the UK is the world’s sixth largest manufacturer, engineering turnover is around £800 billion per year, and whilst the UK makes up only 1% of the world’s population, we produce 10% of the world’s top scientific research. Despite this, it is remarkable to note that even though STEM graduates have the potential to earn amongst the highest salaries of all new recruits, employers are finding it difficult to recruit STEM skilled staff.
The STEM Ambassador programme is free and enables those in STEM careers to be trained up and go into schools to talk about STEM, jobs in STEM and to help out with lessons. If you or your colleagues/employees could be interested in this opportunity more information can be found at http://www.merseystem.co.uk/stemnet/ambassadors-programme/
For more information on STEM and other events relating to STEM in the area go to http://www.merseystem.co.uk